Male Practitioner Palpating an Elderly Woman's Head in Background And Young Female Practitioner Smiling in Foreground with Water Drop Accents from Well Within Logo


Historical evidence in paintings from ancient Egypt and Greece have revealed the use of chiropractic to date back thousands of years. For all of these years, chiropractic practitioners have understood that through the realignment of the musculoskeletal system you can promote healing for non-musculoskeletal conditions. While chiropractic is most commonly associated with bringing relief from nerve and spinal irritation in the back and neck, because of how vital our nervous system is to the function of our bodies we want to help our patients understand the greater power that a proper adjustment can provide for their overall health.

We use both manual adjustments and gentle adjusting tools to correct misalignments in the spine or extremities. A misalignment of the vertebral joints of the spine is called a “subluxation” and can cause pain, discomfort, and/or inhibited sensation or function in the area directly around or affected by the nerves branching from that area in the spine. Nerves previously inhibited by these subluxations are then able to communicate more freely with the body, which is essential for optimal health.

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